Smart cleaning in the healthcare sector

May 8, 2025 at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
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From 11.30 a.m.

Arrival and networking aperitif

13.00 - 13.15

Welcome and introduction

Kaspar Adank and Fabio Rusoci, soobr

13.15 - 14.00

Best practice at LUKS

Stefan Aregger, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital

14.00 - 14.15

Guide to hospital cleaning

Melanie Reese, BHuK board member

14.15 - 15.00

Management challenges in smart cleaning

Irina Pericin Häfliger, ZHAW


15.15 - 16.00

Smart hospital with sensor technology

Samuel Gross, HOCH Health Eastern Switzerland &
Markus Winterholer, akenza

16.00 - 16.30

Cobotics in practice

Stefan Chapuis, soobr

From 16.30 hrs

Networking aperitif

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